Local Grapevine Criminal Defense Attorneys On Your Side

If you know of someone who has been arrested by the Grapevine Police Department and taken to the Grapevine City Jail, you need the best team of local Grapevine criminal defense attorneys on your side. There are a lot of criminal defense lawyers in the Fort Worth area, but not many that have offices in Grapevine, Texas. Within minutes of calling our top-rated Grapevine criminal defense team at (817) 993-9249, one of our attorneys can be at the Grapevine Jail visiting your friend or family member and helping to get them released.

Where is the Grapevine City Jail located?

The Grapevine Jail is located on West Dallas Road with the Grapevine Police Department. The address is:

Grapevine City Jail
307 W. Dallas Road
Grapevine, Texas 76051

How can I check to see if someone is in the Grapevine City Jail?

The Grapevine City Jail does not maintain an inmate list online. To check to see if a friend or family member is currently in custody at the Grapevine City Jail, you must call the jail at (817) 410-3233.

There is also a chance that your loved one was taken to a different Tarrant County facility. You can check the Tarrant County Jail inmate list online at Tarrant County Inmate Search.

Visiting Hours and Visitation Rules at the Grapevine City Jail

While the Grapevine Police Station is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the visiting hours at the Jail are limited:

  • Visitation hours are Daily from 2pm – 8pm;
  • Visitors must bring a valid driver’s license or identification;
  • Visitors must not have any active warrants.

Contact a team of experienced Grapevine Criminal Defense Attorneys today at (817) 993-9249

If you are in need of a defense attorney for a pending Grapevine criminal charge, you need to contact the best local Grapevine criminal defense team at Barnett Howard & Williams PLLC. Our top-rated attorneys will fight for you. Contact us today at (817) 993-9249. We have offices in Grapevine, Keller, and Fort Worth. Contact us for a FREE consultation or your case.


Primary Location
209 W. 8th St
Fort Worth, TX 76102


*By Appointment Only
101 Quest Court
Keller, Texas 76248