Tarrant County Diversion and Specialty Court Programs Can Help Keep You Out of Jail and Prevent a Criminal Conviction From Tarnishing Your Record

Tarrant County, Texas has several specialty courts and diversion programs in place. These Tarrant County Diversion Programs are designed to address specific needs of the offender in an effort to rehabilitate the individual. Some of the programs result in the criminal case being dismissed. Explore of the various Tarrant County diversion programs below and contact our office to ask more questions about whether a certain diversion program may be right for you.

Do not wait to begin thinking about applying for a Tarrant County diversion program as there can be strict time limits that apply!

Veterans Treatment Court

Designed to assist those defendants who are Military veterans, including those struggling with PTSD or TBI issues.

Felony Alcohol Intervention Program (FAIP)

FAIP is a probation program for felony-level DWI cases in which the defendant is diagnosed with an alcohol dependance problem.

Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility (SAFPF)

SAFPF is an addiction treatment program that occurs while an inmate is incarcerated in the Texas Prison System. There is also a special needs SAFPF program.

Domestic Violence Diversion Program

The Domestic Violence Diversion Program targets family violence through a diversion court which monitors the defendant’s progress in a non-adversarial manner.

Youthful Offender Diversion Alternative (YODA)

YODA provides counseling and case management to youthful offenders aged 17-25, who have been arrested for assault against a non-intimate family member.

Deferred Prosecution Program (DPP)

DPP is for offenders ages 18-26 that have never been convicted of a crime. Only certain non-violent offenses qualify.

First Offender Drug Program (FODP)

FODP is a program designed to rehabilitate first-time misdemeanor and felony drug offenders through a short probationary period.

Reaching Independence Through Self-Empowerment (RISE)

The RISE Program identifies vulnerable women with extensive histories of prostitution-related offenses and help them maintain a healthy, productive lifestyle.

Mental Health Diversion Program

The Mental Health Diversion Program is focused on the mental health concerns of the participants and offers a dismissal of the case upon successful completion.

Other Behavioral Intervention with Assault (Non-Family) – OBI-WAN Program

OBI WAN is an extension of the YODA program for defendants with simple assault cases involving persons who are not family members.


930 W. 1st St., Suite 202
Fort Worth, TX 76102


101 Quest Court
Keller, Texas 76248