
Specialty Courts

The Genius of Specialty Courts

By | Specialty Courts

As I’m sure you’ve noticed by now, specialty courts (drug courts, DWI courts, Mental health courts, reentry courts, etc.) are rapidly becoming the norm in most criminal jurisdictions.  Why the increase in popularity?  Simple.  They work.

The National Association of Drug Court Professionals’ website cites the five primary goals these programs are working to achieve.

1) They reduce crime
2) They save money
3) They ensure compliance
4) They combat addiction
5) They restore families

Incarcerating addicts only delays their inevitable addiction cycle.  Specialty courts offer a real, life-changing alternative that not only aid individuals in their battle against addiction, but also improve the crime rates in every community in which they exist.  These specialty courts work to provide intense supervision through the cooperative efforts of local probation offices, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and, most importantly, judges. Read more about drug courts.

If you haven’t researched specialty courts in your jurisdiction, I’d highly encourage you to do so immediately.  These programs could offer an incredible opportunity that may not have been available before.  Let’s hope specialty courts continue to gain traction, and that more specialty court keep popping up throughout Texas.  It is important to remember that the criminal justice system is not always about punishment, it’s also about rehabilitation.