While the 5th Circuit case linked below has nothing to do with criminal law and procedure, it has everything to do with ridiculous Texas shenanigans. Volokh linked it first. I found it too good not to note. Read the case for yourself. Don’t pass up the footnotes. It is utter greatness.
Samantha Sanches v. Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD (5th Circuit – Civil)
Here a teaser:
Samantha Sanches appeals summary judgment on her claims of sex discrimination and retaliation under 20 U.S.C. § 1681(a) (“title IX”) and 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Reduced to its essentials, this is nothing more than a dispute, fueled by a disgruntled cheerleader mom, over whether her daughter should have made the squad. It is a petty squabble, masquerading as a civil rights matter, that has no place in federal court or any other court.
And it only gets better from there.