Fireworks Laws in Texas2

Fireworks Laws in Texas | Could a Sparkler Really Cost You $2,000?

By | Criminal Defense

Do Not Lose Your Liberty on Independence Day

Fireworks Laws in TexasIndependence Day is right around the corner. You will probably start seeing the notices spread across social media from local police departments, warning that setting off fireworks (including sparklers) is illegal inside of city limits. We know that you’re probably going to do it anyway (so are we), but we wanted to let you know what Texas law provides regarding fireworks on the 4th of July.

Texas Fireworks Law | Are Sparklers Illegal Inside of City Limits?

While state law in Texas permits possessing and using fireworks, it’s important to note that where and when a person can possess them is still highly regulated. There are State laws that limit the use and display of fireworks but use is predominantly regulated by way of city ordinances.

Specifically, under state law, a person may not:

  1. Explode or ignite fireworks within 600 feet of any church, a hospital other than a veterinary hospital, an asylum, a licensed child care center, or a public or private primary or secondary school or institution of higher education unless the person receives authorization in writing from that organization;
  2. Sell at retail, explode, or ignite fireworks within 100 feet of a place where flammable liquids or flammable compressed gasses are stored and dispensed;
  3. Explode or ignite fireworks within 100 feet of a place where fireworks are stored or sold;
  4. Ignite or discharge fireworks in or from a motor vehicle;
  5. Place ignited fireworks in, or throw ignited fireworks at, a motor vehicle;
  6. Conduct a public fireworks display that includes Fireworks 1.3G unless the person is a licensed pyrotechnic operator;
  7. Conduct a proximate display of fireworks that includes Fireworks 1.3G or Fireworks 1.4G as defined in NFPA 1126 Standards for the Use of Pyrotechnics Before a Proximate Audience unless the person is a licensed pyrotechnic special effects operator and has the approval of the local fire prevention officer; or
  8. Sell, store, manufacture, distribute, or display fireworks except as provided by this chapter or rules adopted by the commissioner under this chapter.

Texas Occupations Code, Subchapter F, Sec. 2154.251

These violations are Class C Misdemeanors, which can be punishable by a fine up to $500.

Fireworks licensing violations are Class B Misdemeanors which can result in a jail term up to 180 days and a fine not to exceed $2,000.

Fireworks City Ordinances | Local Fireworks Rules in Fort Worth, Keller, and Southlake

In addition to State law, most cities in Texas regulate the use and display of fireworks by way of specific city ordinances. For example, Fort Worth, Texas has enacted an ordinance making the sale, discharge or possession of fireworks within the incorporated city limits a Class C misdemeanor punishable by up to a $2,000.00 fine. Similar ordinances exist in Keller and Southlake, and most other Texas cities.

Before your celebrations, it’s always best to review the above regulations under the Texas Occupations Code and check your local city ordinances online to ensure that you’re legally possessing, using and displaying fireworks.

UM UIM PIP Insurance Texas

What You Need to Know When Buying or Renewing Your Car Insurance

By | Car Wreck

Protect Your Family By Knowing These 3 Car Insurance Acronyms

UM UIM PIP Insurance TexasCar insurance premiums, like everything else these days, have reached historic highs. You get your renewal notice in the mail and gasp at the increase. So, you make the call to your insurance agent to see what can be done to save you money.

We’ve all seen the commercials – switch to us, bundle this with that, install this in your car, etc. and promises are made to save you money! A lot of times you will receive discounts by doing these things, BUT one of the main ways that insurance companies try to “save you money” is by asking you to reject KEY options in your policy that you’re unfamiliar with.

Here are the acronyms we want to educate you about:

UM – Uninsured Motorist Policy
UIM – Underinsured Motorist Policy
PIP – Personal Injury Protection

Under Texas law, these three options are required to be offered to you by your insurance company. However, you can choose to reject them as part of your car insurance policy if you so choose (Texas Insurance Code Art. 5.06(1) & Sec. 1952.152(b).)

It’s important to note these insurance options are part of YOUR insurance policy that add extra layers of coverage if you or your family are involved in a car wreck. Let’s talk about what these options are and why they are crucial to providing the adequate protection you need.

What is Uninsured Motorist Insurance (UM)?

This one’s pretty straightforward. This Uninsured Motorist insurance provides coverage if you are involved in an accident with another at-fault driver who does NOT have car insurance. Research estimates that around 1,500,000 drivers in Texas are not insured. That’s a lot of folks and the importance of having this insurance cannot be overstated!

What is Underinsured Motorist Insurance (UIM)?

This insurance provides coverage when you are involved in an accident and the at-fault party’s insurance limits aren’t enough to pay for your or your family’s medical bills, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, etc. Believe it or not Texas’ minimum policy limits for auto insurance is STILL $30,000 per person/$60,000 per accident (Texas Transportation Code 601.072.) Those are the same minimum coverage amounts that existed in 2011! We could go into further discussion regarding why those amounts haven’t increased in 12 years, but we think it’s pretty obvious that the insurance companies have done a good job of making sure our state legislature doesn’t address this issue. When you consider how expensive medical bills have become and how much inflation has occurred over the last 12 years, it becomes apparent that this insurance is extremely necessary, too.

What is Personal Injury Protection (PIP)?

If you are involved in a car wreck, regardless of who is at fault, Personal Injury Protection insurance provides coverage to a certain limit for necessary expenses for:

1) Necessary medical, surgical, x-ray, or dental services, including prosthetic devices, and necessary ambulance, hospital, professional nursing or funeral services
2) Replacement of income lost as the result of the accident (lost wages) and,
3) if not an income or wage producer, reimbursement of necessary and reasonable expenses for essential services ordinarily provided by that person for care and maintenance of the family or household (Texas Insurance Code 1952.151.)

This coverage extends not only to the driver, but also to all occupants in the vehicle driven by you or your family member. It also provides coverage to you or your family member if you or they are a passenger in another vehicle driven by another person with their own insurance.

These three options were created by law to provide solid insurance coverage to protect Texas citizens and their families. For insurance companies, however, it’s not good for their bottom line and profits.

And, unfortunately, Texas law allows a way for insurance companies to avoid offering these options as part of your insurance policy. How do they do it? By getting YOU to agree to reject these options at the time you purchase your car insurance.

Now that you’ve read this and know what these insurance options provide, you would never agree to reject them, right? The reality, however, is that when you’re going through the insurance shopping experience (especially nowadays with current inflation rates) your focus becomes:


Therein lies the vulnerability that insurance companies love to pounce on.

Your insurance agent or company will offer to save you a nominal amount of money if you agree to reject these options. We use the word nominal because the savings you might see are significantly outweighed by the out-of-pocket costs you will experience if involved in a car wreck and don’t have these coverages.

It’s worth noting that some insurance companies operate in such a way that they’d prefer to not even discuss UM/UIM/PIP and will instead deceptively present rejecting them as an easy option to save money without informing you fully about the consequences of doing so. That is exactly why we are providing you with the information in this article. Most shoppers are savvy these days and want to be informed about their purchases. We hope this article helps educate you about why these insurance options matter and how rejecting them ultimately offers you no real benefit. Don’t let the small amount of increase in your total policy premium deter you from REFUSING to reject UM/UIM/PIP coverage. Simply put – the additional amount you will pay IS WORTH IT.

Things we recommend when shopping for your insurance or when renewing it:

1) CONFIRM with your insurance agent or company that you are NOT rejecting UM/UIM/PIP,
2) READ WHAT YOU SIGN – we know this can be overwhelming and the insurance companies prefer it that way but do your best,
3) LOOK SPECIFICALLY for documentation that indicates you are rejecting UM/UIM/PIP,
4) LOOK SPECIFICALLY at your declarations page and look to see where UM/UIM/PIP coverages are included,
5) PAY ATTENTION to the minimum amounts for each so you know what you’re getting, and
6) IF YOU WANT MORE THAN THE MINIMUM COVERAGE, ask your insurance agent what higher limits they offer.

One more thing to note – if, after reading this article, you look at your policy and discover that you have rejected UM/UIM/PIP as part of your insurance coverage, call your insurance agent or company and inform them you want it added as soon as possible. We often handle cases where the client has rejected UM/UIM/PIP and unfortunately discover the “full coverage” they thought they had is far from it.

We’ll conclude with this – our hope is you have solid insurance coverage and NEVER need to use it. That really is the best case. If, however, you or your family are involved in a car accident, we highly recommend you consult with an attorney. Barnett, Howard & Williams, PLLC offers a free consultation and are here if you need us.

Operation Motor Vehicle Texas DWI

Operating a Motor Vehicle in the DWI Context

By | DWI

What does it mean to “Operate” a vehicle under Texas’ DWI laws?

Operation Motor Vehicle Texas DWIThe simple answer is that it means whatever the jury (not the judge) says it means.

Under Section 49.04(a) of the Texas Penal Code, a person commits the offense of DWI when the person “is intoxicated while operating a motor vehicle in a public place.” Emphasis added.  The Penal Code, however, does not define the term “operating.” When words are left undefined by statute, the Texas Government Code Section 311.011 tells us that those words are to be “construed according to the rules of grammar and common usage,” unless the word or phrase has some “technical or particular meaning,” in which case, the word or phrase “shall be construed accordingly.” What about the word “operating?” Is it common or technical?

In the trial of Kirsch v. State out in the Longview area, the defendant was charged with DWI after the police found him drunk while standing over his motorcycle trying to kick-start it on a public road.  As you might guess, there was a dispute over whether he was “operating” his vehicle while intoxicated.  Over defense objection, the trial court included the prosecutor’s requested definition of “operate” in the jury instructions:

to exert personal effort to cause the vehicle to function.

To the prosecutor’s credit, the definition was taken from an appellate case (although not one dealing with jury instructions).  Now, under this definition it is pretty clear that by trying to kick-start the motorcycle, the defendant was indeed operating a motor vehicle.  But if the term “operate” had been left undefined for the jury, then the defense could have certainly argued under the rules of grammar and common usage that the defendant was not “operating” his vehicle, because it was not running (or whatever other arguments an able defense counsel might make).  Armed with a black and white definition of “operate,” the jury convicted the defendant of DWI.

The 6th District Court of Appeals (Texarkana) affirmed the conviction.

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals reversed. For a unanimous court, Judge Alcala wrote:

Our cases have consistently held that “operate” is a common term that has not acquired a technical meaning and may be interpreted according to its common usage… Although an appellate court may articulate a definition of a statutorily undefined, common term in assessing the sufficiency of the evidence on appellate review, a trial court’s inclusion of that definition in a jury charge may constitute an improper comment on the weight of the evidence.

The opinion goes on to note that by instructing the jurors on the definition of the term “operate,” the trial court “impermissibly guided their understanding of the term.” “The jury should have been free,” the CCA held, “to assign that term ‘any meaning which is acceptable in common parlance.’” The CCA reversed the case and remanded it back to the COA for a harm analysis.

There you have it. The meaning of the term “operating” in the Texas DWI statute means…whatever the jury thinks it means.

Fort Worth DWI Defense Attorneys | Keller DWI | Grapevine DWI

Contact the top-rated Tarrant County DWI attorneys of Barnett Howard & Williams PLLC for a FREE consultation of your DWI case. We will help you determine whether the State could prove that you were operating a motor vehicle under Texas DWI law.  Call (817) 993-9249 or send us a contact email from our website. Our team of DWI attorneys will get to work defending your rights and protecting your future.

Solicitation Prostitution Sting Texas

Solicitation of Prostitution in Texas

By | Prostitution

Prostitution is Illegal in Texas

Solicitation Prostitution Sting TexasIn Texas, under Chapter 43 of the Penal Code, all forms of prostitution are outlawed. Whether a person is involved in promoting prostitution, engaging in prostitution, or soliciting another to engage in an act of prostitution, it is all illegal and can result in arrest, conviction, and prison time in Texas.

What is Solicitation of Prostitution Under Texas Law?

As defined in Section 43.021(a) of the Texas Penal Code, “A person commits an offense if the person knowingly offers or agrees to pay a fee to another person for the purpose of engaging in sexual conduct with that person or another.” This law does not require a person to actually show up to the agreed location in person, since the offense is committed at the time the offer of money for sex is proffered. However, in most circumstances, the police will not make an arrest unless the “John” actually shows up to the scene.

Prostitution Stings in Texas

Many solicitation of prostitution arrests occur as part of undercover police sting operations. Due to the prevalence and increase of human trafficking in Texas, police agencies have ramped up prostitution sting operations in hopes of decreasing the demand for sex services. Most sting operations are widely publicized afterwards, causing embarrassment, job loss, and relationship stress for those caught in the sting, not to mention the follow-on criminal implications. Our firm has represented people across North Texas that have been arrested in prostitution stings with favorable results.

Solicitation of Prostitution is a State Jail Felony in Texas

On September 1, 2021, the offense of soliciting a prostitute in Texas was enhanced from being a Class B Misdemeanor to a State Jail Felony. This means that, even if it is your first offense, if you “knowingly offer or agree to pay a fee to another person for the purpose of engaging in sexual conduct with that person” you can be convicted of a felony offense and sentenced to a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 2 years in a State Jail facility. If you have a previous solicitation conviction, then the next offense is a 3rd Degree Felony with a punishment range of 2-10 years in prison.

What to do if you are Arrested for Solicitation of a Prostitute?

If you are arrested for solicitation, once you have bonded out of jail, you should contact an experienced and trusted criminal defense attorney in the jurisdiction where the arrest occurred. Our team of criminal defense lawyers at Barnett Howard & Williams handle around a dozen solicitation cases every year, many of which are the product of Tarrant County Sheriff sting operations. Contact us today for a free consultation at (817) 993-9249. We have offices in Fort Worth and Keller.

EPO Drop Protective Order Texas

Lifting an Emergency Protective Order Issued After a Domestic Violence Arrest

By | Domestic Violence

How To Lift an Emergency Protective Order (EPO) Associated with a Texas Domestic Violence Case?

EPO Drop Protective Order Texas

If you were arrested for Assault (Family Violence), chances are that you also received an Emergency Protective Order prohibiting you from going within 500 yards (or similar distance) from the “victim’s” home or workplace, along with other conditions for a period of 31, 61, or 91 days depending on the nature of the alleged assault. Protective Orders can cause big problems, especially when the two parties live together in the same house and share childcare and other family responsibilities.

Can I Lift The Emergency Protective Order So That I Can Go Home?

Yes, you can (in most cases). We are asked this question on a daily basis. A spouse that was arrested for Domestic Violence has been forced to leave the family home because of the EPO. EPOs, however, do not relieve people of their daily responsibilities to take care of children, go to work, or provide for their families. An EPO can certainly throw a wrench into a family dynamic.

We help families modify protective orders to allow a defendant to return home. We do not typically request that the entire EPO be lifted completely, only amended.

Amending an EPO is Not the Same Thing as Lifting an EPO.

So what’s the big difference in lifting an EPO versus amending an EPO. Most judges will not agree to completely lift an EPO, because, as they see it, there was likely a good reason for the imposition of the EPO in the first place. Additionally, in almost every scenario, the District Attorney’s office will oppose lifting the EPO. However, many judges will agree to amend or modify an EPO and change some of the conditions. Usually, if the victim requests it, a judge will amend the protective order to allow the defendant to return home or resume contact with the complainant and the family. However, the remaining conditions, usually involving not committing family violence or threatening the victim, remain in place for the duration of the protective order.

What are the Steps to Amending a Protective Order in Fort Worth?

First, it is important to know that all jurisdictions handle protective orders differently. For instance, the Fort Worth Municipal Court handles protective orders differently from Tarrant County Criminal Court #5. Some courts prefer to hold a formal hearing and others do not. However, in all cases, we request the following:

  • An Affidavit from the Victim Requesting a Change of the Protective Order: This can be drafted and signed in our office, but the victim must be present and indicate that this is what he/she wants. In our experience, if the complaining witness does not want the EPO changed, then the judge is not going to change it.
  • A Motion to Modify the Protective Order: We draft and file the motion with the court having jurisdiction over the EPO. Texas law requires that we allege 3 things in our motion and that the judge find those 3 things to be true before he/she can modify the EPO:
    • (1) The current EPO is unworkable;
    • (2) Modification of the EPO will not place the victim in a greater risk of harm; and
    • (3) Modification of the EPO will not result in harm to any person protected under the order.
  • An Affidavit of Non-Prosecution: This is not a required document, but we allow victims to sign an ANP in our office if they request it. They may end up having to sign another ANP with the prosecutor, but we like to give them the opportunity.
  • Formal or Informal Hearing with the Presiding Judge: Some courts will require an actual hearing with witnesses before deciding whether to modify an EPO. Other courts simply prefer the verified documentation and an informal meeting with the state and the defense.
  • Filing the Amended Order with the Arresting Agency and Sheriff’s Office: If the judge agrees to amend the protective order, we send a copy of the signed order to the defendant, the complainant, the arresting police agency, and the local sheriff’s office. We also advise our clients to keep a copy of the order near the front door in case a nosy neighbor decides to call the police believing that the EPO is being violated.

I Have an Emergency Protective Order. How Do I Get Started in Amending the Order?

If you have an EPO that was issued against you in response to an allegation of Assault (Family Violence), give us a call today to see if we can assist you in getting the order amended so that you can return home to your family. Every case is different, so we want to speak with you and learn more about your situation. This article will not apply to every case, so call us today at (817) 993-9249. We offer Free Consultations in every case with no obligation.

Scholarship Winners BHW

2022 BHW Scholarship Winners

By | Scholarship

Barnett Howard & Williams PLLC Announces the Recipients of the 2022 Scholarship Awards

BHW Scholarship Winners

This was the 7th year for our law firm to offer scholarships. In honor of the sacrifices of our military veterans, BHW awards 2 scholarships that are connected to military service. The first scholarship is a $500 award for a Military Veteran Law Student and the second scholarship is a $500 award for a Military Dependent undergraduate student. Throughout the year, we received several applications from very deserving students. We appreciate all of the students that took the time to apply for the scholarships and wish them all the best in their studies. For those students that were not selected, we invite you to apply again next year as we plan to continue the scholarship offers as an annual award.

2022 Winner – Military Veteran Law Student Scholarship

The winner of the 2022 Military Veteran Law Student Scholarship is:


Christopher Kolkowski is an Air Force veteran and C130J pilot. Mr. Kolkowski currently attends University of Arkansas – Little Rock Bowen School of Law. Congratulations CPT Kolkowski. Best wishes as you continue toward your law degree.

2022 Winner – Military Dependent Scholarship

The winner of the 2022 Military Dependent Undergraduate Scholarship is:


Maggie Evans is a US Navy dependent whose father served in the US Navy. Ms. Evans currently attends the University of Texas – San Antonio and is pursuing a Masters degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, a field that is dear to her heart (and those of the military community). Congratulations Maggie Evans. Best wishes as you continue in your studies.

More Information About Our Scholarship Opportunities:

For more information about how to apply for these scholarships in future years, please visit the scholarship pages:

Military Veteran Law Student Scholarship

Military Dependent Scholarship

Final Four DWI Texas

DWI Madness | “The Final Four” Reasons Texans are Stopped for DWI

By | DWI

Final Four DWI TexasMarch Madness is here again. With the Final Four approaching, we built a bracket of our own. In this article, DWI attorney Jason Howard discusses the top four reasons people are stopped or detained for a DWI investigation in Texas. We’ve compiled and power-seeded our list based on the numerous Tarrant County DWI cases we handle every year. Before we get to the “Final Four,” here are some honorable mentions that didn’t quite make the tournament list:

  • Sleeping in a running vehicle
  • Driving the wrong way on a one-way street
  • Rolling through a stop sign
  • Expired registration as seen by police scanner
  • No license plate light

Of course, there are many more reasons that folks are stopped and investigated for DWI, but below are the top four reasons that we see the most.

The Top Four Reasons Drivers Are Stopped for a DWI Investigation in Texas

#4 – Auto Accident

By auto accident, we mean everything from a head-on collision to a run-in with a mailbox. More serious accidents will usually generate the presence of officers on scene within a matter of minutes. Officers are usually looking to rule out the possibility of someone being intoxicated as soon as they arrive on scene. Minor accidents where there are no injuries might elicit a call to 911 (when there would otherwise just be a swap of insurance) if the other party involved suspects a DWI. Easy to see that if you’ve consumed alcohol and are involved in an accident, there is a high probability of a DWI investigation.

#3 – Swerving or Weaving

Please note – there is a difference between the two. Swerving is the more blatant failure to maintain a single lane by driving the vehicle all across the road. Weaving, on the other hand, is usually more subtle and sometimes observed within the lane. Regardless, if it’s late at night and a police officer is behind you and observes either of these driving behaviors, the red and blues are probably going to come on and the driver asked to step out of the vehicle for field sobriety testing.

#2 – Lane Change Problems

The #3 and #4 seeds were probably the top guesses, right? Surprisingly, we see more of numbers 1 and 2 than any other. And they probably weren’t the ones you guessed. I’ve grouped lane change issues because they can vary from the failure to signal a lane change or turn to the failure to make a proper turn at intersection (aka the “wide right” or “wide left” turn.) If you monitor your daily driving (when you’ve consumed no alcohol,) you’ll probably see that you commit many of these types of traffic infractions constantly. You’ll certainly see other people commit them. So, how does that translate to a police officer’s suspicion of drinking and driving? If it’s late at night on a Friday or Saturday, most patrol officers are quick to pull people over for any traffic violation just to check them out and make sure they’re not DWI.

That brings us to our number one reason people are stopped prior to a DWI arrest…

#1 – Speeding

We’re not talking 100mph in a 30mph zone, although we have seen some crazy speeds. No, we’re talking general, everyday speeding; 5 or 10 miles an hour over the speed limit. Nighttime patrol officers love to use their speed detection devices to initiate stops to find DWIs. That’s right! Patrol officers aren’t just looking for obvious impaired driving clues. It’s clear from our experience in handling DWI cases in Tarrant County that most officers are suspicious of anyone out late at night (especially on the weekends.) They know they only need a legal reason to stop someone at any given time. And once they establish their legal reason (even if it’s just speeding,) they then get to proceed with the “where are you coming from, where are you going, have you had anything to drink?” line of questioning. Once they get an admission of “yeah, I had a couple” or smell even the faintest odor of alcohol from the vehicle, they then get the driver out of the vehicle and begin the field sobriety tests. And once they start with the field sobriety tests, the possibility of being arrested goes up astronomically – even if you’re not intoxicated!

If we were to play out the DWI Final Four tournament, Speeding would be your Texas State Champion.

What Should You Do If You Are Suspected of Driving While Intoxicated?

We’ve written on this topic several times, including:
DWI Information Page
May I Legally Refuse a Field Sobriety Test?

If you have been arrested for DWI in Tarrant County after being stopped for one of these four reasons (or any other reason), contact our Tarrant County DWI attorneys for a free case evaluation.

Swatting False Report of Crime in Texas

New Texas Offense: Swatting (Making a False Emergency Report)

By | False Report, Legislative Update

Swatting False Report of Crime in TexasTexas legislators enacted several new criminal laws in the 2021 legislative session. Below, we highlight one of them – Swatting. Being from Texas, I initially thought this might have something to do with mosquitoes, but, as it turns out, Swatting is the act of falsely reporting a crime or emergency to law enforcement or emergency personnel. This new offense is a Class A misdemeanor unless the prosecutor can show that you’ve been convicted of this same offense in the past.


NEW OFFENSE: Article 42.0601, Texas Penal Code – Swatting (False Report to Induce Emergency Response)
Senate Bill 1056: Summary of the legislation

Text of the new law:

(a) A person commits an offense if:

(1) the person makes a report of a criminal offense or an emergency or causes a report of a criminal offense or an
emergency to be made to a peace officer, law enforcement agency, 9-1-1 service as defined by Section 771.001, Health and Safety Code, official or volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies, or any other governmental employee or contractor who is authorized to receive reports of a criminal offense or emergency;
(2) the person knows that the report is false;
(3) the report causes an emergency response from a law enforcement agency or other emergency responder; and
(4) in making the report or causing the report to be made, the person is reckless with regard to whether the emergency response by a law enforcement agency or other emergency responder may directly result in bodily injury to another person.

PENALTY: A violation of the Swatting statute is a Class A misdemeanor, which carries a range of punishment of 0-365 days in jail and a fine up to $4,000. The offense is enhanced to a State Jail Felony if the actor has been convicted of the same offense twice before. The offense is enhanced to the 3rd Degree Felony if a person is killed or seriously injured as a result of the false emergency call and response.

EFFECTIVE DATE: The Swatting law went into effect on 9/1/21.

SPONSORS: Senate Bill 1056 was a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Joan Huffman (R) and Representative Eugene Wu (D). It was approved by both the Senate and the House in unanimous votes.

New Criminal Laws 2021

Texas Legislature Update: New Criminal Laws 2021

By | Legislative Update

New Criminal Laws 2021The 2021 Texas legislative session has now closed and there were several updates to our criminal statutes. Below are some of the more notable changes or additions to Texas criminal laws that took effect on September 1, 2021:

Constitutional Carry – HB 1927

All Texans over the age of 21 are now able to carry a handgun in public without a license or training as long as they are not prohibited from possessing a gun by state or federal law. In addition, the carrying a firearm while intoxicated is now a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and a maximum $4,000 fine, and the carrying a firearm in a vehicle by a gang member is now a third-degree felony punishable by two to 10 years in prison and a maximum $10,000 fine. HB 1927 also allows a peace officer to disarm a citizen at any time if they believe it is necessary to protect the individual, the officer, or another person. The officer, however, must return the handgun before leaving the scene if the officer determines the person was not a threat and didn’t commit a violation. Finally, HB 1927 allows for the expungement of records for those previously convicted of Unlawful Carrying a Weapon before September 1, 2021.

Obstructing Emergency Vehicles – HB 9

HB 9 makes it a state jail felony to knowingly block an emergency vehicle with its lights and sirens on or to obstruct access to a hospital or health care facility. This offense is punishable by six months to two years behind bars and a maximum $10,000 fine. Individuals convicted of this offense are required to spend at least 10 days in jail, even if they are sentenced to probation.

False Reporting to Induce Emergency Response – SB 1056

SB 1056 makes it a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and a maximum $4,000 fine, to falsely report a crime or an emergency to elicit an emergency response from law enforcement or other emergency responders. The charge becomes a state jail felony, punishable by six months to two years in state jail, if the defendant has been previously convicted twice of the offense and a third-degree felony, punishable by two or ten years in prison, if a person is seriously injured or killed as a result of the emergency response.

Enhancement for Reckless Driving Exhibition – SB 1495

SB 1495 heightens the penalty for obstructing a highway or passageway from a Class B misdemeanor to a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and a maximum $4,000 fine, for an individual who engages in a reckless driving exhibition. SB 1495 enhances the penalty to a state jail felony for a person who has been previously convicted of this offense, a person who operates a vehicle while intoxicated, or who causes someone to suffer bodily injury.

Harassment Extension to Social Media Posts – SB 530

SB 530 makes it a Class B misdemeanor, punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a maximum $2,000 fine, to harass another person by publishing repeated electronic communications on a website with the intent to harass, annoy, alarm, torment, or embarrass that person. The penalty, however, can be increased to a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and a maximum $4,000 fine, if the actor has been previously convicted of the offense or it if involved a child under age 18 with the intent to cause the child serious bodily injury or to commit suicide.

Silencer Legalization – HB 957

HB 957 removes firearm silencers from the list of weapons that are prohibited in Texas. In addition, firearms suppressors that are manufactured and remain in Texas are not subject to federal law or regulation.
Enhanced Punishment for Offenses against Public Servants – HB 624
HB 624 increases the penalty by one level for people who commit an offense against someone whom they know is a public servant or against a member of the public servant’s household or family. The increased punishments apply to arson, criminal mischief, criminal trespass, breach of computer security, harassment, stalking, or fraudulent use of possession of identifying information.

Enhanced Punishment for Offenses against Public Servants – HB 624

HB 624 increases the penalty by one level for people who commit an offense against someone whom they know is a public servant or against a member of the public servant’s household or family. The increased punishments apply to arson, criminal mischief, criminal trespass, breach of computer security, harassment, stalking, or fraudulent use of possession of identifying information.

Scholarship Winners BHW

2021 BHW Scholarship Winners | Veteran Law Student & Military Dependent

By | Scholarship

Barnett Howard & Williams PLLC Announces the Recipients of the 2021 Scholarship Awards

BHW Scholarship WinnersThis was the 6th year for our law firm to offer scholarships. In honor of the sacrifices of our military veterans, we decided to that the scholarships should be connected to military service. The first scholarship is a $500 award for a Military Veteran Law Student and the second scholarship is a $500 award for a Military Dependent undergraduate student. Throughout the year, we received several applications from very deserving students. We appreciate all of the students that took the time to apply for the scholarships and wish them all the best in their studies. For those students that were not selected, we invite you to apply again next year as we plan to continue the scholarship offers as an annual award.

2021 Winner – Military Veteran Law Student Scholarship

The winner of the 2021 Military Veteran Law Student Scholarship is:


Samantha Downey is an Army veteran that served for 6 years as a Combat Medic. Ms. Downey currently attends Notre Dame Law School. Congratulations Samantha Downey. Best wishes as you continue toward your law degree.

2021 Winner – Military Dependent Scholarship

The winner of the 2021 Military Dependent Undergraduate Scholarship is:


Jeremiah Brooks is a US Marine Corps dependent whose father served in both the Marine Corps and Florida Army National Guard. Mr. Brooks graduated from Canyon Lake High School in 2021 and will be pursuing a career in Cyber Security. Congratulations Jeremiah Brooks. Best wishes as you continue in your studies.

More Information About Our Scholarship Opportunities:

For more information about how to apply for these scholarships in future years, please visit the scholarship pages:

Military Veteran Law Student Scholarship

Military Dependent Scholarship